a little ranting, a little raving, not so much frothing at the mouth.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I, Lenni, do hereby resolve...
I plan to drive way out to the wilds of upstate New York and chill with some college buddies. I hope that the quantity and quality of alcohol will validate such a long trip....oh and seeing my friends again.
As it is resolution time, I'd like to present some gems from the general advertising world:
"Make a resolution you can keep. Watch more CBS Daytime."
Translation: You fat slob. Don't even waste time bothering the people who work out at the gym all year long. They'd much rather you get your stomach stapled shut and keep up with Luke and Laura instead.
"This year we're changing the way resolutions are done. Instead of writing a list of our own personal faults that we intend to improve, we have decided to give everyone we know a list of their faults and things we wish they would resolve to improve. This can be quite helpful for the wayward souls who make resolutions about all the wrong things and don't even realize the true flaws they need to fix." -- Powells Books
Translation: This is a fantastic idea! You are a whiny ass who nobody likes. Fix that before you vow to fit into that bikini.
I'm sorry. I'm in a bad mood. I was in a bad mood yesterday. So I came home hoping to enjoy some of Grandma's cookies but someone had eaten them. It's my fault I guess. I left them in plain view. Also, someone used the last of my mouthwash, leaving the empty bottle in my shower caddy. STOP EATING, DRINKING, GARGLING, STEALINGANDTHENRETURNING MY THINGS!!! THEY'RE MINE!!! MINE!!! *breathe* and no I'm not an only child. (but the housemates in question are)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
No comment.
As my friend Andrew pointed out, "I don't trust them. 80% of Canadians live near the border. WHAT ARE THEY GATHERING FOR!?!" The answer, apparently, is not global domination but group sex.
Monday, December 19, 2005
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away, a young woman once had to use the restroom. This poor woman (we'll call her Lenni) closed the bathroom door without realizing that there wasn't a doorknob on the inside...or outside for that matter. When it was time to leave, she realized that her only hope was to alert her housemate and his friends to her plight. However, they were in the basement writing a new song and generally being raucous and could not hear her pleas for help, banging on the radiator, frequent flushing, or other noisemaking attempts. The cat did and started scratching on the door but lets face it -- cats are usless. An hour, two bent nail files, and a few tears later, another of Lenni's housemates returned to discover and rescue her. Since then, poor Lenni had been slightly post-traumatic about using the restroom. Despite the reattachment of said doorknob (only the inside one) it still took at least five minutes of subsequent visits to escape the confines of the porcelain throne-room....until the new knobs were installed. And there was much rejoicing.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
'A white one.'
"Brush your teeth!"
"Make your bed!"
"You should have a boyfriend."
I mean really. Did I ask you?
However, my sweet dearest baby brother (22 years old and 6ft) has, in fact, offered some gems:
"Don't ever say sorry unless you hit someone in the balls."
"If someone asks you what kind of car you drive don't ever answer 'a red one.'"
"Fish for compliments. Guys love that."
That last one was in response to a conversation we were having. My friend Katie had asked if my new boy-toy had told me I was beautiful. I'm pretty sure he hasn't. However, I've decided to compliment myself:
"I have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen!"
"Damn, my ass looks great in these pants!"
Joey said I could.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Oh nuts!
I dedicate this thought to Meg on the aftermath of her birthday. I curse the stupid bartender who thought whiskey was a good idea. And I thank that Chris guy for his salty nuts.
So besides my Missed Connection experiment (not going very well by the way), I am questioning yet another mystery of the metro. I, like many poor unfortunate souls, am subject to motion sickness. However, it seems to be sporadic. What is the determining factor of my alimentery happiness? Sitting position, number of cars, which car, food intake or output, reading material, temperature, presence/lack of hot young men to gaze longingly at, driver, time of day, previous alcohol consumption? Any ideas?
I have to figure this out because I am convinced that I will meet a fiery end in the traffic circle of death and dismemberment.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Cubical Po-em
While I was driving
with all the lights on
With justification, the coach suspended the players.
The planted seed that she bought yesterday in her garden
the one worked
which day have
Please come talk to me for a minute.
Pink Lady. 4130. Product of USA. Washington.
mini-pinces reliuses
to re-check.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
the hair of expanding proportions
I suppose I could, instead, highlight some recent examples of my stupidity.
Me: I'm going to have to stay in DC this New Years because I don't have any vacation days. I had 24 hours but I took Friday off.
Meg: Um, Len...
Me: I get like 1.5 hour for every third day I work or something like that.
Meg: Um, Len...
Me: I know! It's crazy!
Meg: Um, Len....most work days are only 8 hours. You could take 3 days off.
Note to readers: I need plans for New Years.
I noticed that I often address my blog to my loyal reader(s). I similarly address my journal to my future grandchildren. However, I'm pretty sure my future grandchildren would respond with, "Ewww grandma! We didn't want to know that! lalala!" Speaking of family, my father has expressed interest in reading my blog. I suppose I'll have to find another venue for my Playboy-letter worthy exploits. Just kidding Dad...you can read them in Penthouse.
I have had an idea! (Not just now...it's been brewing for a while...but I thought you might want to hear about it.) Are you familiar with Missed Connections on Craig's List? I know you are, but I'll describe it anyway. Let's say you are wandering down the street and you pass a thoroughly charming young man (or woman, or old, whatever strikes your fancy). You feel a connection, a pang of longing perhaps, as you meet each other's eyes. (If you're me, you'll probably trip over something and fall into a garbage can at this point.) You turn back for a second glance, smile...but are too CHICKEN SHIT to say anything! Craig comes to the rescue. You can post a description of your encounter, hope against hope that your new love sees it, responds, meets you, and impregnates you numerous times (after marriage of course and obviously after a proper gestation period). An ideal system, it has since been bastardized into a way for men and women to lower the beauty of a fleeting electricity into a casual encounter. In essence, if I post a vague enough description flocks of women (or men, whatever) will respond, meet me, and buy me lots and lots of ponies.
So the idea? I will pick someone to choose for a missed connection every week. I don't even have to have any sort of connection with them. Eye contact, a verbal exchange isn't needed. I will simply pick someone I see and describe them on Craig's List to see what the responses are like. I plan to provide both for my loyal reader(s) on another blog. I have decided, that as a control, I will describe myself first.
If nothing else, this may be amusing and it will sharpen my use of description and adjectives in general for the time when I write my debut novel about a starving artist struck down by leprosy...and rabies.
Ok, if there are those who read this to see what I'm up to lately...um I went home for Turkey Day. yum. I'm back. yay.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Traffic circle of death and dismemberment
10/28 Went to a party. "Met a cool [guy] I might go out with (thanks for the hookup)." Came home to a mess and the Silver brothers. Nothing happened. I swear.
10/29 Celebrated the dead. Saw RHPS. "Faked an orgasm and Josh talked about himself a lot."
10/31 Gangsta in Bal'more. Nothing happened. I swear.
11/4 Came to the realization that I'm a hipster-hater.
11/5 Took myself to the opera. It was lovely. No big-breasted, morbidly obese women wearing horns.
11/6 I'm "pretty nice." Moved in Meg. Fed me. Fed a homeless person.
11/7 Had a near death experience at the Cheesecake Factory. According to my witness' description on the incident report: "While eating the 'morning quesadilla' I came across a shard of glass in the guacamole. I discovered it after shoveling the avocado concoction in my mouth. I picked it from my mouth and placed it neatly on the side to present to the wait staff." I did suggest "daintily eating with pinkie extended" but that was shot down. I'm thinking of sueing for mental anguish but I wasn't all that anguished... I even ordered dessert.
11/10 Saw the Silver brothers in concert. Had interesting conversation about underwear. Garnered new nickname relating to aforementioned conversation. Nothing happened. I swear.
11/11 Nothing happened. I swear.
11/12 AM: Saw the baby panda. Was a disapointment. However, I did take a picture of the sleeping white ball of fluff.
11/12 PM: Difficult to classify. Something happened. And yet...nothing happened. I swear.
11/15 Walmart = Evil
I'm sorry. I'm too lazy to save this photo upright. Besides, the computer sounds like it will explode any minute.
Was this verveful enough?
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
Dance, Dance, yeah
'The Dance of the Cucumber,' in its original Spanish. Bob the Tomato
will translate."
Larry: "Miren al pepino"
Bob: "Watch the cucumber"
Larry: "miren como se mueve"
Bob: "see how he moves"
Larry: "como un leon"
Bob: "like a lion"
Larry: "tras un raton."
Bob: "chasing a mouse."
Larry: "Miren al pepino"
Bob: "Watch the cucumber"
Larry: "sus suaves movimientos"
Bob: "Oh, how smooth his motion"
Larry: "tal como mantequilla"
Bob: "like butter"
Larry: "en un chango pelon."
Bob: "on a ... bald monkey."
Larry: "Miren al pepino"
Bob: "Look at the cucumber"
Larry: "los vegetales"
Bob: "all the vegetables"
Larry: "envidian a su amigo"
Bob: "envy their friend"
Larry: "como el quieren bialar"
Bob: "wishing to dance as he"
Larry: "Pepino bailarin, pepino bailarin, pepino bailarin"
Bob: "Dancing cucumber, dancing cucumber, dancing cucumber"
Larry: "Baila, baila, ya!"
Bob: "Dance, dance, yeah!"
Larry: "Miren al tomate"
Bob: "Look at the tomato"
Larry: "no es triste?"
Bob: "Isn't it sad?"
Larry: "El no puede bailar."
Bob: "He can't dance."
Larry: "!Pobre tomate!"
Bob: "Poor tomato!"
Larry: "El deberia poder bailar"
Bob: "He wishes he could dance"
Larry: "Como el pepino"
Bob: "like the cucumber"
Larry: "libre y suavemente."
Bob: "free and smooth."
Larry: "Pero el no puede danzar."
Bob: "But he can't ... Okay! Stop the music! What do ya mean I can't
dance? I can dance! What about Uncle Louie's polka party? Didn't you see
me dancing at Uncle Louie's polka party?"
Larry: "No comprendo."
Bob: "No comprendo? I'll show you 'No comprendo'!"
Jr.: "Mom! Dad! Look over here! Get a picture of me next to the cucumber
in authentic Argentinian garb!"
Dad: "Okay, Junior. But we'd better hurry--I think the dwarves have your
mother confused with someone else! Say 'Peas!'"
All: "Peas!"
Larry: "Escuchen el pepino"
Bob: "Listen to the cucumber"
Larry: "oigan su voz fuerte"
Bob: "hear his strong voice"
Larry: "como un leon"
Bob: "like a lion"
Larry: "listo a devorar."
Bob: "about to eat."
Larry: "Escuchen al pepino"
Bob: "Listen to the cucubmer"
Larry: "que dulce as su canto"
Bob: "oh how sweet his voice"
Larry: "la voz de su garganta perece un triar."
Bob: "the breath from his throat is like a chorus of little birdies."
Larry: "Escuchen al pepino"
Bob: "Listen to the cucumber"
Larry: "los vegetales"
Bob: "all the vegetables"
Larry: "envidian a su amigo"
Bob: "envy their friend"
Larry: "como el quieren cantar."
Bob: "wishing to sing as he."
Larry: "Pepino cantador, pepino cantador, pepino cantador"
Bob: "Singing cucumber, singing cucumber, singing cucumber"
Larry: "canta, canta, ya!"
Bob: "sing, sing, yeah!"
Larry: "Escuchen al tomate"
Bob: "Listen to the tomato"
Larry: "?No es triste?"
Bob: "Isn't it sad?"
Larry: "El no puede cantar."
Bob: "He can't sing."
Larry: "Pobre tomate."
Bob: "Poor tomato."
Larry: "El deberia poder cantar"
Bob: "He wishes he could sing"
Larry: "fuerte y ducle como el pepino"
Bob: "strong and sweet like the cucumber"
Larry: "Pero no puede ..."
Bob: "But he can't ..."
Larry: "!Ni siquiera da un silbido!"
Bob: "Can't even ... whistle! All right! That's it Senor! Come over here
and let me sing YOU a song!"
Larry: "Adios, amigos!"
Narrator: "This has been Silly Songs With Larry. Tune in next time to
hear Larry sing ..."
Larry: "Bob is really angry! I hope he doesn't catch me! It's so hard to
run with this sombrero on my head
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Circuits down
Dear Dr. Breshears,
This is a gentle reminder that the agreed upon date or resubmission of the revision of your manuscript "The grassland-forest continuum: how woody-plant mosaics determine ecosystem properties within sites and along gradients" [Paper #05FRN0050] is October 15, 2005. To submit the revised manuscript, click on the below link.
And then, the very next day they get something like
I'll look for your paper after October 29. We recognize the numerous
commitments that authors have. (If it happens again we'll show up at your
doorstep) Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Hmmm. I wonder.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Look! A diversion!
A softer world. Boy do I wish I were this creative. Be sure to check out the cover letters. giggle.
Boy on a stick and Slither. For some reason this cartoon reminds me of Andrew. He's slither: the caustic, slightly depressed, realist. I, of course, am the cute, perky, idealist with the really twiggy body and big head.
Bunny.Slightly less creepy than the suicidal bunny but just disturbing enough.
Dinosaur comics. My twiggy armed and ferocious brethren wax philosophical. Stomp!
Instant Classic. I don't think this one is all that funny. Why is it on this list?
John and John. Demented, I'm sure.
And the one that started it all... Questionable Content.
The internet will ruin my life. I'm sure.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
the story of my (relationship) life
Feigning disinterest in something while actually desiring it.
[From Greek akkismos (coyness or affectation).]
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
"Life is pain. Anybody that says different is selling something." -- The Princess Bride by William Goldman
So I took my bike on the road for the first time this weekend. It was an easy, short, downhill route to the zoo and a slow, hard (teehee), uphill slog back home. But I did learn some things:
- It is way more dangerous to ride on the sidewalk than on the road. Cars try to avoid you and (hopefully) all go in the same direction. They also tend not to mutter "get off the sidewalk" at you. It IS legal to bike on the sidewalk in DC so pttth!
- It is a real pain in the ass to wait at lights when your bike is too big. Literally. As my housemate reminded me, "At least you don't have balls."
- It is harder than it looks to steer a bike into an elevator.
- Doing it backwards doesn't help.
- Falling down is a good way to meet guys. It's also a good way to get road burn and a nice bruise. However, I suppose that gives you an excuse to show the guy your lovely ass, legs, elbow, or whatever else happens to be bruised later.
Friday, October 14, 2005
The day star! It burns!
On the ecology listserv that my e-mail can't seem to unsubscribe from they are currently having concurrent discussions about feral cats and intelligent design. Witness what happens when you combine the two:
"I propose that we take a hint from the Feral Cat Consortium and institute a capture-spay/neuter-release program for Creationists/IDists.
This would be a win-win situation, as Creationists would be spared the heresy of participating in evolution, and the rest of us would be spared the annoyance of Creationists participating in evolution. This obviously will not address the entire problem, since Creationists will still be able to prey on wildlife...."
Teehee. Silly PhDs.
Speaking of silly:
"On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.
Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House is unable to respond to every message, and therefore this response is an autoreply.
Thank you again for taking the time to write."
Look! The sun! Hahahahahaha. Made you look.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Notes from the workplace
"Damn you. Damn you and your cake."
"We'll buy you a whip and a chair and set you loose."
I think for my blog to be noticed it has to be about politics, knitting, Katrina, or celebrity fashion. Alas, I am doomed to anonymity.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Lenni needs...
Plus, Google only had like three Lenni results...
lenni needs to have a pre-frontal lobotomy right away
lenni needs money and she cannot, CANNOT let herself give her any more!
lenni needs to get to work
It's all so true!
Factoids that I learned this weekend:
In an effort to be more reflective of the times, Bible manufacturers have come up with the cyber Bible. This Bible, while faithful to the text and meaning of older versions, will replace words with online spellings. For example, create will be come cre8. (And God will say LOL as he smites His people.)
Men do not generally enjoy going to Church. (Perhaps this is because they can't wear their fancy dresses and new hats there.) Some random Christian denomination (next time I'll pay more attention) has decided to combat this trend with MANLY-Church. The Church meets in an old school gym and features artistic touches such as pine trees, a tent, and taxidermied animals. The men have fellowship around coffeee and donuts, and engage in prayer huddles. (No word yet on God strippers)
Women who are more intelligent are less likely to get married. For every ten points added to the average IQ, women decrease the likelihood of marriage by 60%. (I'd write something witty here but I'm too depressed by my old maid status.)
I'm wearing my happy sweater today.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Hey, I have a great blog here! You should definitely bookmark me! I have FREE leads for your business. Hey, these are free for the asking. All you need to do is visit my website. Come and check it out if you get time :-)
"Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!"
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
I wanna hippopotamus for Chriiiiiiistmaaaaaas!
I'm a selfish bastard. Anyway hippos eat 100 pounds of vegetation a day. I couldn't afford to feed it.
Oh! And Happy Birthday Joey! Do you have a wish list prominently displayed in cyber space?
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Bubble Gum & Spilled Soda
Speaking of sticky situations check out Peanut Butter & Tape
Monday, September 26, 2005
If you eat my ice cream I'll rip your arms off
So, I'm trying to sell my desk so I'm using this page temporarily to post a picture of said desk (or a similar one) and then link to Craiglist's. That's why the above photo is on my blog. Fascinating. If you want to buy it (or just get it the hell out of my room) then do so. NOTE: Real desk is black.
This weekend I went to the anti-war march in D.C. To be honest, my housemates and I were drawn in by the prospect of seeing Cindy Sheehan, Jesse Jackson, and Joan Baez and were further encouraged by the promise of some good tunes. It also seemed like a good people watching opportunity. However, it soon became more than that for me. I'm not even sure that I can express it in words. I just felt like crying...both happy and sad tears, the whole day.
I'm usually shackled by my sense of science. I like to see all sides of the story and have the options weighed thoroughly before commiting to anything (even small things) so I was inspired by all the passionate people. So many came to stand up for what they believe in. The posters, costumes, chanting, singing, and drumming, were signs of their effort. And the crowd definitely wasn't one dimensional. There were young and old, families, church groups, lesbian moms, labor unions, university students, veterans, and of course, throwbacks to the hippie days of old. I ran into people I knew from college, and in a scary moment, a picture of my high school teacher who died in Iraq. I was even inches away from Cindy and Jesse.
I got angry at the people on both ends who represented their causes poorly. "You suck" as chanted by one pro-war demonstrator is hardly a valid argument.
I was very impressed with the police presence, the respect shown to them, and their respect for the protestors.
However, despite it all, my favorite chant was still, "What do we want? Ice cream! Butter pecan? Butter pecan! Sounds good? Yumyum! Rabblerabblerabblerabble." And my favorite sign was an anti-protest reading "Hippies smell. Go home hippies...and take a shower."
I feel that I didn't do any justice to my feelings here.
Friday, September 23, 2005
(And a raindance for Meg...and the people in Wisconsin)
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
So says the queen of Non-sequiter
Idea #1
Top 5 Songs That I will Never Get Tired Of:
1.This Side - Nickel Creek
2.Mad World - Michael Andrews
3.Bad Day- Daniel Powter
4.Somebody to Love - Queen
5.Winding Road - Bonnie Sommerville
Idea #2
Anti-Social Advice(?):
You are not your job. You are not how much money you have in the bank. Not the car you drive. Not the contents of your wallet. You're not your khakis. We are the all-singing all-dancing crap of the world.
Self-improvement is masturbation. Self-destruction is the answer.
You have to consider the possibility that God doesn't like you, he never wanted you. In all probability, he hates you. This is not the worst thing that can happen. We don't need him. Our fathers were our models for God. If our father's bailed, what does that say about God?
You have to know that someday, you are going to die. Until you know that, you are useless. It's only after we lost everything that we are free to do anything.
The people you're after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your phones, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not mess with us.
We've all been raised by television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars -- but we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed-off. ~~~Fight Club
Idea #3
Funny things that have been said by/to me recently.
1. Say loopy! It's fun! Give it lots of tongue action.
2. He's a boob. You need a masectomy.
Idea #4
Another conversation between me and my blog:
Blog. I have something I need to tell you.
Is it about my shoes?
Um no. Nice though.
Wanna interface?
Not that nice. Um...blog?
I've been...I've been....I've been cheating on you.
I'm sorry but...
It's his shoes isn't it? They're nicer than mine. Who is he that dare defile my Lenni? Who tries to get into her shoes?
It's not his shoes! It's my journal. He's just so much more secretive. I feel I can tell him anything. I...I love him!
I don't know how we can go on....
You could give me those cute pumps I guess.
Idea #5
Don't post for today.
Friday, September 16, 2005
ha. that was sposed to be ironical.
Liberal rant:
I was actually in an anti-liberal mood this morning. How are Democrats supposed to get anything done if all we do is try to thwart the Reuplicans? Why aren't there ever two sides to every story? What's with the Democrat-Republican double standard? If a Democrat does something it must be for the good of the common man, to uphold the values of the Constitution. If a Republican does the same thing, then it's just another way of perpetrating their evil plan, pulling the wool over the eyes of the ignored and rightless downtrodden. What ever happened to moderates? Do they exist anymore?
In college, we were once surveyed about our ideological leanings. We had to classify ourselves as conservative, moderate, or liberal. Out of the thirty people in my PoliSci class, I was the only self-defined liberal. Most everyone else was a moderate. "Moderate." Those kids were the cutest little liberal fuzzbunnies I ever saw.
I am a Democrat. I am loosely affiliated with MoveOn.org. I sign petitions, protest, and watch Michael Moore. But I might have to stop admitting to that if I don't want to be dismissed as a loony liberal.
I heart moderates!
Or even just level-headed people who are willing to investigate all sides of the issue and every once in a while vote against party lines. Why can't they take over the world. Oh right. no platform.
Conservative rant:
Today I came back from lunch and was met with some very unfriendly protestors. I happen to work in the same building as a Planned Parenthood. As such, I was lambasted as a "baby-killer." In general, my work consists of editing scientific texts, no baby killing there. The protesters went to far as to inform my African-American companion that mostly Black and Hispanic babies are killed. As if there's some sort of racial profiling inherent in abortion. As if that fact would incense my friend to take action.
Do they think that yelling and insulting me will make me feel partial to their cause? Threatening the apocalypse and telling me I'm a bad person doesn't make me very sympathetic.
I'm Catholic. I'm pro-life. But I might not want to admit that either. A liberal might think I'm a crazy Conservative.
and yes i know that ironical is not a a word.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Hail to the chief
I would have posted the picture directly but I don't want Reuters to come and lay the smack down.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Does this mean I have to shave my legs?
Hello Lenni.
How are you?
Top notch. And you?
Um. good. Well...
Nice shoes. Wanna interface?
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Lenni's of the world unite!
Lenni is usually a female name unless you live in Finland. It also seems to be associated with Judaism... unless of course you live in Finland. Maybe Lenni Brenner's parents were confused. But then again Lenni himself seems confused. He's written several books on how Zionists somehow colluded with Nazi Germany. I haven't read any of those books so I couldn't tell you.
East Coast peeps, and No-Coast peeps (Oklahoma, I'm talking about you) have probably heard of the Lenni-Lenape Indians. I always thought they lived in NJ, PA, and NY but I have recently learned that they were relocated to OK and TX. The Lenni Lenape were also referred to as the Delaware Indians. I think I read somewhere that the Mohicans (a la Last of the Mohicans) were also Lenape. Color me confused. Anyway vestiges remain on the East Coast in the form of Lenni, Pensylvania and the Lenni Lenape Councils of both the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts
Mmmm...I just had a completely Lenni-unrelated craving for stuffed shells.
Just to make sure that you don't think that all Lenni's are sweet and innocent, I'd like to introduce you to some bad-ass Lenni's. Please welcome Lenni the bad-ass beluga and Lenni the computer virus. Check them out if you dare. Oh and remember Ghostwriter? Lenni Frazier was pretty bad-ass on that show too. Sigh. I miss that show. Tell PBS to bring it back!
Some Lenni's are musicians... Lenni Jabour and the Third Floor (apparently a Tori Amos-like, pop lounge singer sound but I couldn't listen as it required much downloading), Lenni Lakinpoikanen a four year old rapper (?) and Lenni Kalle-taipale. Both Finns!
There are Lenni artists, Lenni lawyers and even Lenni soft core Italian lesbian porn And don't forget about the Lego Enthusiast News Network Initiative!
The world is full.
My boss just came in to say it seemed quieter than usual in my office and that she felt she had something to do but she couldn't figure out what. I didn't tell her that I felt the same.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Angelina Jolie
So readers, should I take Spanish or French? Or perhaps some other exotic language? I need input. For background, I'm pretty good at accents, not so good at hacking, spitting, and rolling r's and I took Spanish in grade school, high school, and college.
Wow. I really can't think of anything else. Oh! I do have a crush on my UPS guy. My office-mate is ever so considerate to let me sign for the packages when he comes. Electronic signature tablets make my knees weak.
I also think that WMATA should have an error message that says, "You have no more money on your SmartTrip card, you boob. Don't even try to see how much negative value you can accrue. We will hunt you down and break your knee caps and take all the quarters you were saving for laundry." Instead they have, "Touch SmartTrip again." and "See Station Manager."
By the way: When you take your SmartTrip card to the Station Manager he will break your kneecaps for wasting his time. You get to keep your laundry money though.
I have decided that blogging is vastly superior to LiveJournaling. Therefore bloggers are also vastly superior.
I have a new roommate. I'll try to like her even though she's orange. I wonder if she sleeps in her makeup. She is really nice though so I must make an effort to return the niceness even though she's way more high maintenance than myself. I know! I'll buy her the correct foundation color! No Len, that was mean.
Have Pitt you Kevin Spacey noticed Harry Potter the sly Everything is Illuminated (good book) way I've NASA been Penn State sneaking in proper Sharpie trademarked Cheerios nouns?
This isn't quite as shameless but I've been listening to Minnesota Public Radio, the Current, all day long. How I missed it.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Birthday rant
To the person who stole my cd player: You suck. And on my birthday no less! I suppose I am partially to blame for leaving such a succulent-looking $10 discman on the front seat of my car. I know I'm to blame for leaving the door unlocked. But thanks for being thorough and also stealing the adaptor and charger (oh! man! and my awesome rechargeable batteries. oh now I'm really sad) and the coins in my ash tray. That last move was really classy. I hope you enjoy the variety of Canadian change. And thanks for locking the door after you.
To my housemate: You suck. Thanks for locking me out of my house for 13 hours....while you were inside! This was especially cool because I had just returned from a week-long business trip to Canada and was tired, hot, and cranky. I find it interesting that you didn't hear me pounding on the door for two hours or yelling at you or even notice the soccer ball bouncing off your window. Especially since you nearly fell down the stairs in your rush to heed the Chinese delivery-dude's feeble tap the very next day. Remarkable hearing recovery. And you wonder why I'm still a bit angry? (I know this is a delayed rant but I'm still feeling residual anger)
To everyone who thinks that if you do me a favor then I owe you one: I owe you nothing. Get over it. Maybe I'll help you out later or buy you a beer or something but it is NOT required. This also goes out to those who won't ask me for a favor because they think that then they'll owe me one. I'm saddened that people think this way.
To rest areas that have defective tampon machines: for chrissake! I won't give details but it really would have helped if y'all had working machines that didn't eat my last quarters leaving me soggy and angry. Pennsylvania this means you.
I saw the mower fairies yesterday. They were not Hispanic but Black. You get the point anyway.
The other day I saw an unattended large paper bag in the Tenleytown metro. I did not alert anyone. Selfish and horrible, I didn't want to have them close the metro station because then my commute would not happen. I saw other people noticed it too but they also didn't alert anyone. We would have felt horrible if it exploded.
Losing steam....
Monday, August 22, 2005
The lawn mower fairy
I have poison ivy between my toes! Hoo-ray!
I just bought new curtains but don't have a drill to install the curtain rod! Joy!
I peed outside in a new state! DC!
My sister's dog still hates me! Can't blame her!
I STILL have corn stuck between my teeth! Arg!
The lawn mower fairy came to visit! Yippee skippee!
Wait. The lawn mower fairy? What is that? The other morning as I was moseying to the metro station (work and all) I noticed that all the lawns in my neighborhood were neatly trimmed. "How lovely!" I thought as my mind filled with gleeful thoughts of quaint little neighborhoods with happy children skipping about. Then my thoughts were darkened by a deep suspicion. I have never seen anyone mow their lawn in my neighborhood. Ever. I, for one, don't even own a lawn mower. Was this some dark evil force at work? A demon nefariously robbing our humble block of its organic matter, perhaps stockpiling it for some creative bio-weapon? Nope! It's the lawn mower fairy! This delicate pink winged creature can be seen frolicking through residential areas eradicating unsightly grass growth. It is often accompanied by fairy work horses which look astonishingly like John Deere ride-on mowers.
Note: In all honesty, I'm exaggerating a bit. I imagine that lawn fairies look surprisingly like Latinos in matching t-shirts and jeans. But I've never seen them. They do their work in the quiet of the day.
As I think about this, I realize that the average reader was probably not quite as struck by the lawn mower fairies as they were by perhaps peeing in a new state or the dog that hates me. Well, long-story-short I was locked out of my house for 12 hours and was so angry, hot, tired, and hydrated that I wasn't thinking straight and peed in my back yard. Take that lawn fairy!
Regarding doggie hatred, I'm the current dog-sitter so I'm equated with parent-less weeks and poor dog-walking skills. In this current reincarnation of dog-sitting, I was asked to walk the dog as my sister and her husband went for a training run. (come see them in Virginia Beach at the Rock and Roll Half Marathon!) So the poor dog saw her parents run away and then was stuck walking five miles in the blazing sun with someone who walks just a bit too slow to keep up with a dog. Hey! I wasn't having fun either!
This blog is certainly not life changing.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Boys Suck
Today I was slacking off and reading Able and Baker where I learned that the Sun will run out of its hydrogen supply in about 5 billion years. It will then expand and engulf all of the inner planets. So why are we worried about global warming etc.? All that work when we're just gonna get sucked into the sun anyway? Pshaw....seems silly and wasteful to me.
Could our favorite little blogger's pessimism be caused by the title of her blog? Or is she just merely cranky because the air conditioning in her office broke and despite eating two ice creams she is still all sweaty and gross and now needs to brush her teeth? You decide.
Friday, July 29, 2005
My air conditioner should be taken out and shot.
Speaking of work, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Not necessarily the type of overwhelmed that comes from being stressed and overworked; it's more like the "i-feel-stupid" overwhelmed. "Greater canopy leaf area and height may redistribute nutrients to tree islands, primarily through evapotranspirational pumping of groundwater and higher rates of dry deposition, and this nutrient subsidy is believed to be essential for tree island maintenance and expansion." Huh?
I also have no idea what my coworkers are talking about half the time. I feel that I am perpetually being obtuse. "Obtuse" is my new favorite word....besides "hoo-ray."
Oh! the dog just ran into my door! Now I'm sure that I have litle rat-terrier bits all over my office.
Well, tonight I think I'll curl up into a little ball. If you have a comfy down or fleece blanket, or the new Harry Potter, or a Phantom Planet cd, or if you look like Jake Gylenhaal (all 4 would be ideal) then feel free to join me.
Friday, July 22, 2005
I'm not wearing any underwear.
This morning I lost my wallet (and my teddy bear Mike). Apparently I am irrepressibly calm in such situations. I'm not sure irrepresibly is the right adverb in this situation because calmness is not a state that needs to be repressed. Anyway, my non-freaking-out was exasperating to others.
I found my wallet (40 minutes later; it was in the door of my car) and in a quick review of its contents was struck by the diversity (and large quantity) of credit card receipts.
- 6.29 - Victoria's Secret - Roseville, MN - $44.98
- 7.05 - B Dale Texaco - Roseville, MN - $120.22
- 7.08 - Green Lake Amoco - Green Lake, WI - $27.41
- 7.08 - Mike's Payless Auto Repair - Princeton, WI - $67.50
- 7.11 - Eckerd Pharmacy - Pitsburgh, PA - $8.55
- 7.16 - H&M - North Bethesda, MD - $35.64
- 7.17 - Metrorail - Washington, DC - $20.00
- 7.20 - HanAnReum Groceries - Wheaton, MD - $24.55
- 7.21 - Giant - Silver Spring, MD - $19.58
Missing are two receipts for rather expensive automotive repairs. (Fon du Lac, WI for approx $100 and North Bethesda, MD for approx. $750) Would anyone like to buy a car?
I apologize if this posting has wandered into the realm of oversharing.
Diversions of today include:
Thursday, July 21, 2005
I'm famous!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Not so funny this one
If anyone cares, I have had some feedback on my blog:
- "Some of the best literature I've encountered in years."
- " I like your style of writing. I think you got some talent. Are you hell bent on publishing or do you have journalistic ambitions?"
One of those comments was from someone I'm not related to.
I apologize for not writing more often. However, I now have a job that I like enough to not slack off. However, however, that isn't stopping this post.
Today I was downtown (DC) and I encountered a man who wasn't wearing shoes. He seemed relatively clean: khakis, t-shirt, button down, hiking socks. His dental health was lacking and he was unshaven and sucking his cigarette to the nub . . . but still clean. Anyway, this man asked me where he could buy size 13 shoes. As I have enough trouble finding my own size I couldn't answer. It also didn't help that we were in the business district and I don't really know where anything is.
This man (I'd name him but I think that might trivialize him) told me that he had heard about a job but that he couldn't check it out without shoes. Someone had tricked him and stolen his shoes earlier in the day. He asked a few times where he could find shoes and I directed him vaguely uptown. He also asked if I could buy shoes for him, to which I responded in the negative.
I walked away but I was rather upset, almost to the point of tears. What was this man's story? What is my responsibility towards him? How could I have helped?
DC gets me down like that sometimes. It is a rare day that you are not confronted by the poverty or homelessness of another human being . . . in our Nation's capitol no less. But I kind of appreciate being faced with it. It is much harder to ignore the issues when you don't see them. So keep my shoeless man in mind. Remember the woman who makes a newspaper nest at the Tenleytown metro. Be nice to the guy who begs in Union Station because he was laid off and his wife left him. (He really is friendly.)
I know that you don't want to be supporting a drug or alcohol habit. I know that it's hard to carry sandwiches, blankets, and shoes on your commute. It's a deeper issue. One we need to investigate.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
I have nothing to say
Friday, April 08, 2005
This one goes out to Jonathan
I drunk dialed!
What is so tempting about the fluid cohesion between alcohol and cell phone? I am not the booty call type of person. I don't think it's really all that fun to invite some guy over to witness my slurring, stumbling, oft-times puking self. That's not real attractive. Even if I did miraculously finagle a hook-up, I'd probably just fall asleep. Besides all that..i"m really just a sweet and innocent young woman.
I don't do the "I am so over you" calls. Or the "Please don't leave me! I still love you! You'll be sorry!" I'm not even partial to the "I have a huuuuge crush on you. teehee." or "I hate you. Drop dead." or "Guess what Mom/Dad/Boss/Pope? I'm drunk off my ass right now!"
So why call? Why do I endure the day-after embarrasment of "Hey. you called me last night." or "Hey. Thanks for the funny yet long, rambling, and totally uncalled for message. "
For some people it's tradition. (Ed-o!) For other's it's merely because I was left alone long enough to get bored or lonely. I mean really, some wing-women take un-nceccessarily long in the bathroom. And the walk home? Forget it! Even while chasing a Best Buy cart through a residential neighborhood, I can still need to talk to someone.
For others (this last one included) I really couldn't tell you. I was drunk! At least according to my source it was amusing, "75% about the 40 Japanese people in your living room; 20% gibberish and something about shopping; 5% scandalous proposition."
To all those I have called...and to those I may call in the future......
"Dude! I am sooooo drunk right now. Hiiiii!"
Friday, April 01, 2005
My Irrational Fear of Today
It is April Fool's Day. "Happy April Fools Day!" I should exclaim happily as I tp the office. But no, instead I think I will cower in fear under my desk. Please don't play any pranks on me. I loathe pranks on me. I don't even particularly like pranking other people...mostly because I fear retribution.
Why, you may ask? Perhaps it's because I'm a native New Yorker, natively distrustful of everyone and everything. Perhaps it's because I'm somewhat insecure and I feel that your good natured April-Fooling is mocking me. Maybe it's because I'm well aware that I can embarrass myself perfectly capably. Just wait long enough and I bet you that sometime today I'll have toilet paper on my shoe, ink on my face, and spinach between my teeth as a I fall down the stairs insulting someone who's standing right behind me.
But that's just me. The rest of y'all enjoy your tom-foolery.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
And the blogging begins
In an effort to stay somewhat tied to the greater technological world I have decided to blog. I wonder when that will be added to the dictionary.
Is it cool, I wonder, to say, "Hey there! check out my blog." Is it a status symbol? A mark of genius that I am so inclined to share my thoughts with the world? A selfish notion that others might actually want to read those thoughts?
Or am I just another geek? I'm pretty sure I can't pick up a guy with my beautiful blog. How my blog sparkles in the light. The shining personality and kick-ass...well...ass of my blog.
I had a professor once who said that I overused incomplete sentences and that they should be labled in the margin. (She also mentioned idosyncratic comma usage and, more importantly, an impish sense of humor) So I leave you with this...
That wasn't a really good ending, was it?
Whidbey Island New Years Eve bash
On the morning of our New Years Eve visit to Whidbey Island, my friend texted, “Are you sure you still want to go? It’s going to rain.” But ...
My Blog List
Indigenous Forest Management6 years ago
Base Camp Duffel Redux7 years ago
Bienvenue au Cameroun!7 years ago
Introspection9 years ago
Arequipa – Het kleurenklooster10 years ago
A new job…10 years ago
Another day, another Niger sunset.10 years ago
It Takes Two!11 years ago
Teddy Bear Picnic Relief for Back Crabs12 years ago
Photos with My Husband12 years ago
XKCD. I heart you.13 years ago
It is very dangerous to blog about other people. You may cause a total Harriet the Spy moment where others find out that you view them as a ...
The next day I was legit sore but I think looser. We woke up at 4 in the morning to take a cab up to the town of Sarangkot to watch the sun ...