Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Next update!

This weekend I moved in with my family in a smaller community outside of the city. I have a new mom and dad and two little brothers (12 and 7). They speak relatively slowly and repeat themselves multiple times. I also have two dogs, a few chickens, two cows, and some guinea pigs. In case you were wondering there is indeed cheese and ice cream here. On Sunday my brothers danced in El Carnaval. They got all dressed up in crazy costumes (leopard skins and feathered headresses and masks) and danced around the schoolyard. I sat with some other volunteers and their families and got rather suburnt. In fact, I learned the words for swollen, itchy and to scratch.

Funny story (el primer): At one point I had to use the bathroom so I walked to the outdoor toilets. They had no doors! I stood there looking helpless until some little girls made a wall for me.

In language news: the huge frickin green beetles are waqua waquas and to try food, which I´m doing a lot of, is probar.

Today we went to La Cancha which is a huge open air market. It was very overwhelming. My friend said that next time he´s going to bring his compass. You can buy anything from a bar of soap to a wedding dress. I did indeed buy a bar of soap (and a purse and watch) I learned how to haggle in Spanish class but I´m not very good at it. We also went to the waste management plant (to depress us) and a sustainable farm with lotsa neat projects like adobe houses, compost toilets, grass-fed chickens and various other agricultural experiments. Inspiring. And smelly.

Tomorrow I get my first rabies shot and I´m meeting my friend Sarah (from DC) for lunch.

Some things: If you send me a package please make sure it´s under 4lbs and that the customs value is 0. Otherwise I have to pay.

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